Christianity and Politics in the American Founding

Mark David Hall is one of our most outstanding scholars of early America, whose many distinguished publications have argued persuasively for the crucial importance of Christianity in the flourishing of America’s experiment in ordered liberty. In Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land, he has placed at the disposal of readers the essential elements in the case he has made for Christianity’s beneficial and indispensable influence. Never has a resource been more needed than this one is today.
Wilfred M. McClay, Victor Davis Hanson Chair in Classical History and Western Civilization and Professor of History,
Hillsdale College
With so much anti-American propaganda out there, this volume by an award-winning historian is much needed. With fascinating insight into American history, he debunks many of the myths spawned by critical race theorists without soft-coating the shortcomings of America’s founders.
Jeff Myers, President of Summit Ministries

A decisive, readable, and scholarly answer to the perennially debated question, "Did America Have A Christian Founding?"
Peter A. Lillback, President Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, President, The Providence Forum