Christianity and Politics in the American Founding
“Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land: Christianity and the Creation of the American Republic”
Lead essay, The Faith of the American Founders, Cato Unbound Online Journal (June 2020)
“America’s Founders, Religious Liberty, and the Common Good”
“Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth”
In Great Christian Jurists in American History, edited by Daniel L. Dreisbach and Mark David Hall, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2019
“Whose Rebellion? Reformed Resistance Theory in America, part 2”
Co-authored with Sarah A. Morgan Smith. Invited article for Unio cum Christo. 4 (April 2018): 171-188
“Whose Rebellion? Reformed Resistance Theory in America, part 1”
Co-authored with Sarah A. Morgan Smith. Invited article for Unio cum Christo. 3 (October 2017): 169-184
“Religious Accommodations and the Common Good”
“Madison’s Memorial and Remonstrance, Jefferson’s Statute for Religious Liberty, and the Creation of the First Amendment”
“Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos: The Influence of the Reformed Tradition in the American Founding”
In Faith and the Founders of the American Republic, edited by Daniel L. Dreisbach and Mark David Hall. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014
“Did America Have a Christian Founding?”
First Principles Series, The Heritage Foundation, June 7, 2011
“Jeffersonian Walls and Madisonian Lines: The Supreme Court’s Use of History in Religion Clause Cases”
A revised version of the article originally published in the Oregon Law Review 85 (2006): 563-614. High Court Quarterly Review, 5 (2009): 109-153