Christianity and Politics in the American Founding
All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.
Nov 12
Did America Have a Christian Founding?
American Bible Society, Washington D.C.
Registration required. Register
Nov 11
Did America Have a Christian Founding?
Liberty University Law School, Supreme Court Room
Nov 8
Did America Have a Christian Founding?
Faith and Law, Washington D.C., 562 Dirksen Senate Office Building, 12:00 PM
Nov 7
"Antonin Scalia and James Wilson: On Faith, On Justice, On Judging" (with Ed Whelan and Hadley Arkes)
James Wilson Institute, DACOR Bacon House, 1801 F St. NW, Washington D.C., 5:30 PM
Nov 6
Did America Have a Christian Founding?
Heritage Foundation, Washington D.C., 12:00 PM
Nov 4
Did America Have a Christian Founding?
Princeton University, 4:30 PM
Oct 21
Did America Have a Christian Founding?
Gonzaga University, Wolff Auditorium, 7:00 PM
Oct 8
Did America Have a Christian Founding?
Birmingham Southern University, Norton Theater, 6:00 PM
Oct 8
Did America Have a Christian Founding?
Faulkner University, Lester Chapel, 2:00 PM
Sept 23
Did America Have a Christian Founding?: A Debate With Steve Green (Willamette University School of Law)
Willamette University School of Law, Paulus Lecture Hall, 6:00 PM
Sept 20
The Founding Fathers and Public Leadership: Roger Sherman and James Wilson
Panel Presentation, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Registration required.
Sept 12
The Influence of Christianity on America's Founding
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, President's Reception Room, 6:30 PM
Sept 11
Did America Have a Christian Founding?: A Debate With Andrew Seidel (Freedom From Religion Foundation)
University of Louisville, Elkstrom Library’s Chao Auditorium, 6:00 PM
Sept 10
Did America Have a Christian Founding?
Asbury University
Sept 10
Religious Accommodations and the Common Good
Asbury University, Morrison 405, 12:45 PM - 2:00 PM
Sept 9
What are the Religious Roots of the American Founding?
University of the Cumberlands, Gatliff Chapel, 6:30 PM